In the unfortunate occurrence of a snow/ice event during an upcoming PDSOM Saturday we shall consider the following action plans:


1. PDSOM campuses have the option of cancelling their weekend classes and recommending to students three options:


               A. The Bethlehem students may travel the following weekends to the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Dover-DE, Erie, or Altoona campuses.


               B. The Pittsburgh and Philadelphia students may travel to the Harrisburg, Dover DE, Altoona, or Erie campuses.


               C. The Harrisburg, Dover DE, Erie, and Altoona campuses may arrange for its classes to be postponed for one week.


*Consideration must first be given to the availability of the Church.


*Secondly, consideration and consultation must happen with the faculty committed to those classes for the third Saturday to teach the following Saturday.


*Finally, adequate notice must be provided to ALL students.


• Another option may be to postpone class at the given campus for one week having consulted with the pastor of the church and the faculty for that day, depending on location. Then rescheduling the class for one week later.


  • Still another option, should a campus need to cancel and endeavor to postpone by one week, but a single faculty be unavailable for the date another substitute faculty person may be called upon to teach the class one week later.



NOTIFICATIONS: Your Site Coordinator will be contacting you via text message concerning weather alerts.

Make sure you have the correct phone number on file. Please contact: Barb Jacobs to update any phone numbers that need updated.